COVID-19 Update:
For the health, safety and well-being of our residents, employees and communities, we are temporarily closing the lobby of Town Hall and suspending all rentals for events and parties (except the gym, depot and pavilion at the park) until further notice.
We feel that the best way to serve you in light of Covid-19 is to closely follow the guidelines set by the Department of Health and our state and health officials.
COVID-19 Update:
For the health, safety and well-being of our residents, employees and communities, we are temporarily closing the lobby of Town Hall and suspending all rentals for events and parties (except the gym, depot and pavilion at the park) until further notice.
We feel that the best way to serve you in light of Covid-19 is to closely follow the guidelines set by the Department of Health and our state and health officials.
During the 1800s, the railroad ran from Salisbury to Connelly Springs, which was a turnaround. Later the railroad was extended to Old Fort. After a Frenchman discovered a way to build tracks across the mountains, the service was extended to Asheville.
Before the Depot was built, there was a switch installed for Jake Hildebrand’s sawmill. This switch was later used by A. Y. Sigmon for his sawmill and lumber yard. The Hildebran Depot was constructed around 1906 on the lot between Highway 64-70 and the railroad track near the stop light on 64-70 and South Center Street. The depot and Southern railroad were big assets to the Hildebran area. Jake Yoder and his brother O. M. (Mack) Yoder were early depot agents. D. A. Hutto who served as a depot agent for forty years, was also Justice of the Peace and held trials and weddings in the depot.
In the second decade of the century, some folks remember watching the young people of the village congregated at the depot to watch “Number Twelve” come in. This was a typical Sunday afternoon activity of this time.
In 1967, the Railroad Department decided the depot was no longer needed and made plans to reduce the depot to ashes. Clyde and Mildred Vaughn purchased the Depot from the Railroad for $25.00. After the purchase, Mr. Vaughn moved it piece by piece, on the top of his Volkswagon Beetle, to his property across from Mt. Hebron Lutheran Church. All this was done within a ninety-day time frame, with Mr. Vaughn carefully taking the Depot apart and reconstructing it on its present site.